Saturday, December 18, 2010

Best Thing This Week - a tie

This week there is a tie for the Best Thing title. I debated long and hard which one to use as they both fantastic and ended up using both.

Every year the wedding dress shop in Morningside has a Christmas wedding display. This time the display features a strapless wedding dress. Perfect for an evening winter wedding!?! I know that the wedding dress industry has gone over the top and every woman wants to be a princess on their special day. Tiaras are popular choice and who can forget Celine Dion's wedding crown that induce headaches and hair loss. Heck, my wedding dress was important to me and it only cost $80 (and I wore it with $12 shoes), but I do have to ask who wears wings on their dress? Or wants to shop at a store that advertises such things? This is an awesomely crazy dress and one of the best things this week.

This was actually the second headline I saw about this incident. I didn't photograph the first but remember the words "rapist", "athlete" and "fireball". Of course this headline really gets to the core of the matter: the word curler just adds to the tragedy.
Tabloids style headlines are very popular here and even the "good" papers use over the top headlines to attract attention. I love reading them - they are works of art that manage to capture the most salacious of events in the same amount of syllables as a hiaku.

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