Friday, April 28, 2006

another day

in a few hours I write my final exam: I feel the usual mixture of excitement & dread. Today's going to be awesome: write the exam, have a job interview immediately afterwards (I know!), meet up with people and the celebrations begin!

But, before all that, this is a bit of a special moment for us here at SadieBelle because it was one year ago today that we had our first post. One year and 43 posts later we're still here.

It's been quite a year: ran a marathon, moved cities, started law school, renewed a relationship, did moot court, started training for a triathlon, discovered I was celiac and written more exams in the past 6 months then I had ever done before.
What next? well, I'm going to Disneyland. Not really, but I suspect I won't be posting as much as I have this month for awhile (it's a great distraction when you're at the computer for 12 hours a day). I think I'll read some great books (thanks for the suggestions, all) and cook and continue training and walk Belle a lot. Then I'll be back, lot's to talk about really: relationships & truisms, Mile High (still the best thing EVER), Belle's aching to give her views, Miss Legal Manners has a few things up her sleeve, I need to chat about the tri, there are recipes & of course, year one round up.

Take care-I'm going to bed.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

wise words

"Always be ready to kill your students"
- Grand Master Masaaki Haatsumi, ninja master

I think sometimes that law profs think like that: make sure the students sweat and are tortured by the end of the month. It's a combination of fear, mind bending and boredom. My last exam is tomorrow. And then- still don't know. I do believe that tequila shall be involved, however.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


summer is fast approaching and with the chance to READ BOOKS! real books, not text books that involve Lord Denning rambling on and on, etc, ad nauseum.
I'll take any suggestion for a reading list- email me or leave it in the comments. I will read just about anything but I don't love horror/ fantasy/ sci fi. other than that? you're on

Monday, April 24, 2006


There are a lot of things I am counting down right now. We present:
Sadie Belle by the numbers...

2 exams left
5 days until exams are over
1 year of law school, over!

26 days until my first triathlon

3 "walks" a day
walks we take when it's raining: 0
bags / day: 3

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

it's one a.m. i must be alone here...

... only a slight paraphrase of Matchbox 20
I have less than 9 hours before my first exam starts, I'm freaking out, rewritting my summary (yes, again, thank you very much- this new habit of constant rewriting is getting to me)
I need to reread the FOI paper beofre I hand it in- I do manage to blast Stephen Harper & the Conservatives, so I'm sure she'll be happy.
still very tired. feeling very disastisfied with myself- haven't been able to get out much (except for mini walks with Belle) I'm still sick and my allergies have kicked in. I've been thinking about getting all my hair chopped off- very short like I used to wear it-- any thoughts? let me know...
other than that- mistake calls! and i, for one, listen...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

writing my paper- an up to the minute account

there have been a few people who have complained to me over the past couple of months that I've disappeared: i'm not "sharing" the "real me" here. well folks, i'm tired, exhausted, had very little sleep, it's too early to call anyone to bitch so- here goes: i am going to blog writing this $%&@ paper for JSL- not only the STUPIDEST class EVER but the STUPIDEST assignment.
My beloved roomate arrived home last night - i'm going to guess he was intoxicated- and woke me up. I'm stressed and had no sleep. I've been awake since 5, it's 7:30, I'm listening to some kind of Easter church service on the CBC and I'm on page 2. I swear if MH woke up I'd hurt him...
7:20 page 2....
more later
9 am- writing paper
9:30 freak out at boyfriend
page 3
spend next hour showering/ walking dog/ eating/ preparing food for library/ dishes
11 am- freak out at MH: resist his attempts to calm me
his response? "i'm a bastard" i am so very tired and angry...
11:30 am- at library, holding at page 3
12:30- 4 pages folks, uh-huh!
eating my edamame as I write - I need some sleep & some Advil extra strength long lasting gel caps. My head is killing me- probably a heady mix of allergies and lack of sleep
so tired... 4 Pages!
1:30 - on page 5: finished my quesadillas
going write the damn conclusion & be done with it
tried to put my head down - can't sleep
- 5 pages people: looks like it's going to be exactly 5. This is good, tweak a few things, add a footnote or two. This is my Seinfeld paper- a paper about nothing!
1:45- Done! that's right D-O-N-O-N-O-N-E!
gotta get the contracts under - really? I need to sleep and maybe crying a little.
effing contracts... gotta get the summary done: trying to a table of easily readable rules & the cases separately briefed- i don't know...
3- Open Office is now refusing to open my documents: Frustration in particular. Irony aside I need this %$#@&* it!
- leave computer with Mike in the library (we've been watching each other's ccomputers as the other goes for walk, pee break, etc), sprint home, get memory stick so i can save what Open Office has chosen not to destroy
that's the problem with free source programmes- you can't focus all of your rage on a single person like Bill Gates
3:30 - find the house exactly as I left it. All of my please for MH to do his bit & clean up were for naught. good to know that he's consistent at least.
3:45- back in library, my area has been over run by someone wearing- perfume? $#@!%&*!
ok- i know I'm hypersensitive to this, especially when I'm in the midst of allergy season. and now that there's the celiac thing, I'm risking turning into one of THOSE people who annoy me to no end. but, sweet mary & joseph. the woman is 10 feet away from me and I can smell her. bleck...
5ish- going home, summary almost complete, paper in need of editing. and a dog who needs to be walked
so- that's my exciting life. i don't have time for anything else.
stupid law school.

Friday, April 07, 2006

stupid blogger, stupid computer

for some reason I can't retrieve an awesome post- complete with pictures of Molly Ringwald & Lord Denning (a fine day when you can have the two of them included) that i wrote yesterday. AND Blogger won't let me cut & paste a post I wrote while I didn't have access to the internet. Stupid Blogger grrrrr...
well folks, my blog-versary is fast approaching: 1 year! gosh... sadly, since I'm in the middle of exams and what not- my actual time on the internet is very rare and the celebration will be muted. for now- I'll post when I can...
PS- stupid blogger's spell check? doesn't recognize the words "Blogger" and "blog"- &^(*^(*^&(*er

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Law School Geekdom

I don't know how many of you saw Brokeback Mountain or what you thought about it. I saw it with Michael & it was mmmm... not great. Frankly, I thought My Beautiful Launderette was far more progressive, interesting and hotter (yeah, I said it) than Brokeback. And it had a young (& yummy) Daniel Day Lewis.
The best thing for me has been the parodies of Brokeback. If you haven't seen Brokeback to the future, I suggest you goggle it right now.

So the following is Brokeback Moot. Many of you will remember my travails at the Moot Court in November. Y'know- from whence the lovely eye twitch comes and the crushing of alarmingly low self esteem. So, imagine my delight when I found the following in my inbox! God bless the University of Alberta! and, for those who are law students: Carbolic Smoke Ball? I want one!