Friday, August 11, 2006

on purpose

I have, throughtout my life, wanted many things for and of myself:
to be carefree; to not worry so much about being liked, or getting approval from others; to be a good daughter, student, girlfriend, dog owner; to be able to wear long dangly earrings and hippie clothes; to be a successful lawyer...

All that in aid of saying that there are some changes are being made around here, my friends.
First, as you can see, the template and a couple of other blog renovations.
Other moves are bigger, albeit more subtle. So- bear with me.

This summer has been awesome. My classes, while not the most stimulating all the times, have really helped my French. I've enjoyed volunteering at Santropol and working at Stanton's (ok- maybe I didn't enjoy that part, but lip gloss isn't cheap).
My mother's arriving tonight, we're going to Ottawa so things are going to be even more chaotic for the next couple of weeks. After that things should be a little more timely around here...

And love don't play any games with me
Anymore like she did before
The world won't wait, so I better shake
That thing right out there through the door
Hell, I still love you (Ryan Adams)