Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I passed!

This is one of those posts that should go something like:
 blah, blah, blah - Life in the UK: Journey to Citizenship 2nd Edition - test -passed. So, yeah I had to write a citizenship test. Of course I completely freaked out: I don't test well, get really nervous and over think things.
I ended up getting there super early and being send away! I ended up wandering around the St. James Centre (tried on some Bobbie Brown lipstick - must discuss) before hoofing it back. Where- I waited for about 30 minutes as everybody's ID was checked again. All in all it wasn't very hard. A lot of the other people had problems with their computers freezing. I didn't and finished in about 10 minutes. And I passed! Am now ready to live Life in the UK! Whoppee! We went to Chop Chop after to celebrate. The business lunch was very tasty (love dumplings and spicy noodles) and wee man ate 2 helpings of the children's noodles! That's a total of 18 dumplings. The kid can eat...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Maltese knight
I had great intentions, really I did. I was going to write from my parents' house like a "real", hard core blogger.

It didn't quite work out that way: my internet access was sporadic at best and certainly not for any length of time. I ended up negotiating familial relations, battling passive - aggressiveness (and on occasion actual aggression) and watching my beautiful baby turn into a tantrum-y toddler (under the watchful gaze of both sets of grandparents) before my eyes. So yeah, blogging wasn't a high priority.

But it's January now - a brand new year. As most people know, I love a good make over and have some ideas about the direction of SadieBelle. We've been dormant for so long and, with the reawakening of the blog, we are experiencing some growing pains and are looking for direction.

Anti Tory sign in Marchmont
Among my blogging resolutions is to be a better or, at the very least  a more consistent poster. Another resolution regarding this blog is keep having local photos of Edinburgh. One thing I've been very proud of is the images I've taken with my little phone as I've wandered around the streets (picture me with a buggy, decked out in my parka and you've got a pretty good mental picture of how that looks: crazy). I'd like to keep up the Edinburgh - ness that this blog is beginning to have, that is to say a real sense of location and of place (all the while acknowledging that I'm very much a newcomer here) while keeping it very much where I started: someone who wanted to rant from the safety of her computer. More to come. Happy New Year!