Tuesday, March 21, 2006

you know you're a law student when... II

1- you are seriously worried that you've missed something in your legal analysis of the Tim Horton's cup case
2- you realize that you simply cannot read everything
3- you are ridiculously proud that your boyfriend knows all about the Ogopogo case (he does!)
4- you understand where the lawyers are assholes stories start
5- you start calculating what a 70 hour work week would look like

but i love this. that's the thing. for the first time in a long time i feel like i am exactly where i am supposed to be. sure, it's scary and somewhat soul crushing but i love it. i get the impression that some expect this to be the 'hapless adventures of a girl in law school' blog, and I can't do that. sure, i'm still hapless (I'm still ME) but i'm not wandering in the wilderness anymore...

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