Friday, September 23, 2005

My Day ... a haiku

wake early- or did i sleep?
between noise and sick, i feel like i've been awake for hours
read the news, see the bad news of today

my dog sleeps
small and warm at my feet
she teaches gratitude for every morning and night
for every dish of food and for every walk

fall cold, sniffles and coughs
dear prof I may be ill
pretty boy smiles -- it's ok

class goes on
understanding comes this morning

the sound of my classmates voices
*tweet tweet tweet*
the library is solace

reading Constitution
(still believe that NS got a bad deal)
c'mon Quebec, it's chicken time
are you gonna blink?

coffee later
good conversation, people seem pretty cool
i refuse to think of people as future networks
but still make plans for later

check email
one from Ms. C (see you tomorrow!)
another from school-

I qualify for extra tutorials because of my age
your extra education doesn't matter, I'm told
because of my age i get special treatment

the weekend is now
tomorrow we run
Michael's first 5 km

i have plans
to volunteer
and go for tea with janine

and find Tina's book
and run 10 km
and read and write and learn the law

inspired by the truly great blog at
please check out her fabulous voice of dissent - who knew?

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