Saturday, July 29, 2006

Summer Lovin'

The Lifetime Commitment Ceremony was wonderful. One of the best weddings I've ever been to. The coolest thing about the actual ceremony was that because they had chosen not to follow any particular tradition, they were able to incorporate what they wanted and include the people they loved. Everyone wandered around on a bit of a high afterwards. Anyway, it was great,camping was good (cold but good) and my home in Ottawa is still standing (and is relatively clean, even). So yippee!

Back at the ranch, Sweet Pea's parents are staying with us. They are showering Miss Belle with love which she appreciates. She's been more difficult lately (more on that another time) so it's nice to have people who are ok with dogs and understand their temperments somewhat.

I've enjoyed meeting them & we've had quite a bit of one on one time since Sweet Pea's been at work while I've been out of school. They're lovely people, one can see where Sweet Pea [SP] gets his mannerisms. It's been a little like camping in that we're in the living room for the most part. I've managed to get stuff done but sometimes a girl wants to hang out in her sweatpants, watch bad TV and eat ice cream out of the carton, no?

Mrs. Pea has made her opinions known about Christmas and babies, but it was done in such a way that, while firm, was none threatening. Mr. Pea was a little bit more relaxed in the conversation, but all in all it was rather funny. Especially since I don't really care about Xmas (they're welcome to him by all means) and babies are a long way off. Anyway, they care about their son and wanted me to know that. and they leave Tuesday.

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