I am a very superstitious person. I believe in pleasing the universe and try not to piss it off. If something seems to be working for me I stick with it. I believe in not talking about things in case I jinx any good that may be coming my way. I have lucky shirts and there is a hat I wear to make sure Team Canada wins in hockey (it works - just saying).
One thing I've been really nervous to write about is pregnancy and my child. While I was pregnant I didn't really talk about it. While other friends celebrated their pregnancies, I watched a lot of Gossip Girl and prayed for the best. This nervousness continued after his birth. I've been afraid to write about him until now for many reasons: I didn't want to tempt the gods and jinx anything. Also, to paraphrase my mother in law "never brag about your children - they will always show you up".
Also I've been exhausted and otherwise preoccupied chasing this kid around. But he's over 21 months now and hardly the frail soul he once was. I'm finding I have more time and am trying to organize my time in order to take some classes and get back to writing in some form regularly. This will include some information about him, so I thought I would introduce him. Peter and I have talked about it and decided for a variety of reasons not to post photos of him.
Calum Bryce was born 7 weeks early, on St. Patrick's Day. Due to a shortage of space in the NeoNatal Unit in Edinburgh, I was transported to Glasgow when my waters broke. I ended up going into labour there and spent a week in the hospital after an emergency c section. Calum was sent to Edinburgh and the Royal Infirmary after a week in Glasgow where he was kept until his weight went up and he figured out the nursing thing. He was a wee scoot as they say in Glasgow, weighing about 4 and a half pounds at birth.
After such an exciting birth and first months the next 20 months have been pretty uneventful. He's grown and is now big compared to a lot of his friends. He eats like a champ. After a long time of sleep issues he now sleeps (mostly) through the night. He's an active and funny little guy and I couldn't love him more.
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