Friday, September 16, 2005

Are you freakin' kidding me??

This is what's called a rant. I've tried not to rant too much here because a. if you are reading this chances are you know how i feel and b. most people aren't that interested in my ranting. But I just read this:
and OH MY GOD!
I always liked Condi, thought she was really intelligent, not that much of an idealogue. I had the feeling (based on a 2003 New Yorker article admittedly) that she hung out with the Bush family out of some kind of personal warmth. I also liked her dress style (yes, i am that superficial).

And now this. in the words of Colin Powell (another Bushie that I liked) they are a bunch of "fucking crazies". Because yes! let's all go for coffee in Baghdad. That's the issue. AHHHHHHH!

I am so angry and fed up by these people and their entire ridiculous attitude on the world. First, prior to the US invasion, suicide bombing and, presumably, the abduction of foreign journalists by insurgents weren't a real factor in Iraqi life. Secondly, it doesn't really matter if Fox correspondants can't get a decent cup of Joe, BILL (you bloody effing moron)-- perhaps we should worry about the troops who are there in basically a hostage situation with little or no way out, little in the way of resources (no body armour, vehicles that aren't armoured, old rifles, undertrained, etc) while HALIBURTON (and bloody effing CHENEY) make a fortune. Perhaps those are factors that should be raised on live TV with the Secretary of State. I heard on 60 Minutes that a group of soldiers from Oregon (reservests I believe-- please correct me if I'm wrong) called up undertrained and sent off to Iraq are using walkie talkies and night vision gear from -wait for it- Radio Shack. That's right. I have figure I have about the same capabilities with my heart rate monitor, modem, cell phone and Belle than they do and they are fighting a war.
Maybe Haliburton, Starbucks and Fox should open a coffee shop in downtown Baghdad. They can protect it, get their Joe and still turn a tidy profit.
Fight the real enemy! Lock and Load! Good Lord, I'm probably on some watch list now.

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