Sunday, September 25, 2005

Broken News...

Firstly, an apology. I have lost my voice, can't speak above a whisper. So for anyone thinking I would be calling this weekend, I am sorry. there is no voice with which to speak.There are so many people I should be speaking with and well, can't. Hopefully this will suffice until I'm back on track with a little more time on my hands...
Perley Rideau 5 km
it was a bit chilly in the morning, but we awoke. Michael was suffering from a bit of pre race jitters (mostly in the form of being an ass). We left late (which did wonders for my pre race jitters and my pre race routine). Ok- but we got there, met up with Claudia, warmed up a little. It was pretty small so there were no lines for porta potties or anything.
and we were off. I think i ran pretty steadily for the whole race, Michael passed me at about 2 km and was a couple of paces ahead of me for the rest of the way. I was coughing and spitting and well, a lovely mess. A couple of times I had to stop to just get rid of what was coming up (nice image- sorry). one woman stopped (how sweet!) and asked me if i was ok. I pointed at michael and whispered (no voice- remember?) i'm sick-"that's my roomate, this is his first race and he smokes i have to beat him". she smiled quite sweetly and said "go get him". in the end i finished 30 seconds behind Michael (29:26 - 2 minutes slower than my year's best! but, as my sweetie pointed out, "that's the virus talking"). I saw him finish and felt very proud.
Ms. C had a rough race, as did a lot of people. I think at this time of year people are feeling the results of overtraining and 6 months of racing. She looked amazing when she finished (she always looks good).
I met the young woman who spoke with me -her name is Lori- she told me I had been her inspiration and she just stuck to my tail the whole time. I checked the stats and boy did she! Lori finished at 29:28! anyway she's going to be at Rattle Me Bones next month doing the 10 km. As will Claudia, myself and... Michael! I figure on the longer stretches and if I'm not sick I can take him.
AIDS Walk For Life
Of course I ended up going to the AIDS Walk later that day. Michael's now on the board of a great local organization that walking in it as a group. Somehow, I ended up being filmed lighting candles and later walking while holding the banner for the Pink Triangle Society (how do I end up holding the banner?) so I manged to make my outing in Ottawa complete. First Ed Broadbent and then 11 pm news watchers in the greater Ottawa area.
The number and diversity of groups present was amazing: church groups, a Native Health centre, Planned Parenthood, the Nancy Sinatras (I would have walked with them, but the Pink Triangles reminded me that I wasn't a drag queen- just my luck) and the MAC contingent: Makeup Artists against AIDS (they all looked fantastic). It really brought home the message that AIDS is now an issue outside of any single community and affects us all. I took some pictures of the St. John's Church members who were marching under the banner "Our Church Has AIDS". I thought that was a really brave message to march with and hope that the African churches can take the lead of such brave Christians.
I met some cool people, although communication was very difficult (I can't speak!) here's the link if you'd like to check out the Pink Triangle Society's website
... that's all. I have a lot of work to do today so I should run off.

Friday, September 23, 2005

My Day ... a haiku

wake early- or did i sleep?
between noise and sick, i feel like i've been awake for hours
read the news, see the bad news of today

my dog sleeps
small and warm at my feet
she teaches gratitude for every morning and night
for every dish of food and for every walk

fall cold, sniffles and coughs
dear prof I may be ill
pretty boy smiles -- it's ok

class goes on
understanding comes this morning

the sound of my classmates voices
*tweet tweet tweet*
the library is solace

reading Constitution
(still believe that NS got a bad deal)
c'mon Quebec, it's chicken time
are you gonna blink?

coffee later
good conversation, people seem pretty cool
i refuse to think of people as future networks
but still make plans for later

check email
one from Ms. C (see you tomorrow!)
another from school-

I qualify for extra tutorials because of my age
your extra education doesn't matter, I'm told
because of my age i get special treatment

the weekend is now
tomorrow we run
Michael's first 5 km

i have plans
to volunteer
and go for tea with janine

and find Tina's book
and run 10 km
and read and write and learn the law

inspired by the truly great blog at
please check out her fabulous voice of dissent - who knew?

Friday, September 16, 2005

By Jove...

Fiddling around while I should be working. Anyway, I just figured out how to post photos so there you go.
Thanks to Jo over at for the inspiration. You should check out that site, Jo's little guy is pretty cute.

Anyway... here are two long overdue marathon pictures to show you all. Aren't I tough?

The one on the left is after I'd left the lovely and amazing Rita in an attempt to "make my move". Yes, I know I'm an idiot. Rookie mistake.
Who knew that the kms after 35 could be so rough?

The other one is me crossing the finish line. I'm actually making devil horns at a photographer that I thought was taking my picture. Obviously none of that was well thought through.

Ok. enough of this. But now that I know how to post pictures...

Are you freakin' kidding me??

This is what's called a rant. I've tried not to rant too much here because a. if you are reading this chances are you know how i feel and b. most people aren't that interested in my ranting. But I just read this:
and OH MY GOD!
I always liked Condi, thought she was really intelligent, not that much of an idealogue. I had the feeling (based on a 2003 New Yorker article admittedly) that she hung out with the Bush family out of some kind of personal warmth. I also liked her dress style (yes, i am that superficial).

And now this. in the words of Colin Powell (another Bushie that I liked) they are a bunch of "fucking crazies". Because yes! let's all go for coffee in Baghdad. That's the issue. AHHHHHHH!

I am so angry and fed up by these people and their entire ridiculous attitude on the world. First, prior to the US invasion, suicide bombing and, presumably, the abduction of foreign journalists by insurgents weren't a real factor in Iraqi life. Secondly, it doesn't really matter if Fox correspondants can't get a decent cup of Joe, BILL (you bloody effing moron)-- perhaps we should worry about the troops who are there in basically a hostage situation with little or no way out, little in the way of resources (no body armour, vehicles that aren't armoured, old rifles, undertrained, etc) while HALIBURTON (and bloody effing CHENEY) make a fortune. Perhaps those are factors that should be raised on live TV with the Secretary of State. I heard on 60 Minutes that a group of soldiers from Oregon (reservests I believe-- please correct me if I'm wrong) called up undertrained and sent off to Iraq are using walkie talkies and night vision gear from -wait for it- Radio Shack. That's right. I have figure I have about the same capabilities with my heart rate monitor, modem, cell phone and Belle than they do and they are fighting a war.
Maybe Haliburton, Starbucks and Fox should open a coffee shop in downtown Baghdad. They can protect it, get their Joe and still turn a tidy profit.
Fight the real enemy! Lock and Load! Good Lord, I'm probably on some watch list now.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blog on: again, some more

ok-- I've moved into the new place and skool (spelling ironic) has started. So, with access to the internet and all this free time (HA!) I'll be blogging more often. I realize I missed August. Sorry.
I'll be posting updates and hopefully, pictures in the next while.
On that note... I'm off for now. More to come. Promise.

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. T.S. Elliot