Hey look! I’m posting again within a week. Of course no one reads this, so it’s probably beside the point. There’s a whole bunch of things I’d be interested in writing about (the situation in Zimbabwe! The secular humanistic crusade! The inane 60 Minutes report on Sunday and y’know Go Fug Yourself) - but I’m not sure if anyone is actually reading this—if you are, make a comment or something. The only comment I’ve had so far was from boogiestreet telling me to get Belle drunk (thanks homes, but she’s got a low alcohol tolerance and is a bit of a puker). Anywho…
Still on the job--- the phones are seeming a lot less crazy these days (or maybe I’ve just figured them out?). I even mastered paging. I am the courier queen. No dead mice being experimented on by the photocopier. It's all good. Everybody’s so nice—such a change from some of the other places I’ve worked in the past couple of years. I’m sure there are some crazies around but so far so good. I do have wonder if it’s just because I know that the end is in sight? But who cares? I’m only here for another week or so… Besides, I think I’ve identified some office supplies I want.
I ran the 3rd race in the Beaver Chase series last night. I probably won’t get a T shirt for the series this summer. They give them based on the number of races you’ve attended—people who’ve only run two rarely get T shirts. Some guy was complaining that he'd been running the series for three years and still hadn't received a T shirt.
The race itself was a beautiful 6km (4 mile) loop—most of it done on a trail through the woods. I started off too fast (rookie mistake—will I ever learn?), ended up drafting a bit with Helen (an awesome runner) who took off just before the halfway/ water stop point and left me in her dust. Still, I’m ok with my time—felt that it was a good effort. Next time I’ll do better. Claudia was there—she’s on board with my Whitlock scheme. She’s a pretty hilarious and way fast as a runner. Besides, she likes 80s music (last night she was blasting Bananrama) so you gotta love it.
You gotta be...
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
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