Saturday, January 21, 2006


Yeah, so I missed December. I know. Someone emailed me recently and asked what was going on with SadieBelle and well, I had no answer.
Here's a quick catch up

> After over 10 years without exams I wrote 5 in less than 2 weeks. Really stressful, more than I can say. It took awhile to recover and then? back in school.
> Xmas was great. I did nothing, didn't even really read that much. I slept and ran and played with my dog. That's about it.
> Xmas Day was fantastic. I spent it with friends and enjoyed myself. I've realized that I don't like Xmas very much. There's a lot of pressure and other crap. I actually felt bad that I hadn't sent out many Xmas cards and started panicking- somehow I was letting the side down. Blech...
> New Year's Eve was lovely and that's all I'll say about that.

I've just finished my January term and the Alternative Dispute Resolution module. I have such mixed feelings about all of it; the organization was dreadful-hard to separate my utter bitchiness about that from any other critiques. The last workshop I attended was essentially about community work and public policy and mediation. The kinds of things I'd begun doing in Boston with WellChild lo those many years ago. It was interesting and I did enjoy it- made me a little sad of the wasted 'Montreal years' but I'm here now...

Yes, I have my exam results back and, while my legal genius has yet to be recognized, I feel pretty good about them. Not too shameful or terrible.

My sweetie is taking me to South Carolina next week. It's the Law School Spring Break which is so sad considering it's not even that cold yet. But I will get the chance to see some people I haven't seen in awhile, eat Bar-B-Que, run in shorts, visit the hollowed ground where Jimmy Tilly ( a pivotal character in the Wilmot family history) lived and try and catch up on my sleep. Fantastic!

I'm applying for summer jobs- please think good thoughts for me during this time. It's very stressful: not many jobs and everybody applying.

I have found the BEST. TV. SHOW. EVER. It's called Mile High- sexy British flight attendants, on an airline called Fresh (clearly a rip off of Virgin). So good- my new crack. It's got everything! strippers! drugs! random sex! Did I mention they were sexy? M downloads it off the internet and I've seen most of the second season. need to see the first season... LOVE IT. Even the theme song makes me happy "the world the world the world is mine- and I'm feeling so di-vine"

Now, I have to have a bit of a rant. I am furious about the fact that, next week, Stephen Harper will become prime minister of the country. I blame the bloody liberals for this. If they weren't so corrupt and everything else this wouldn't be happening. Now I'll have to become a pot smoking, lesbian single mother as a form of protest. H-E-Double Toothpick!